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Membership Information

DCPOA Membership Application
NBPA – Dallas Chapter
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Download Membership Application

Application Process

These are the instructions for the completion of the application process. First, complete the online application. Second, download and print the “Payroll and Deduction Authorization Form”, signed and give to a board member or facility representative or email the office and someone will make arrangements to receive it.get_adobe_readerThe forms and content on this page are available in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF). To view these files you must have the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer

Payroll and Deduction Authorization Form

Insurance Agent –  Sherry Kenney

Class of Membership

Regular Member – must have basic Peace Officers or Correctional Officers’ certification from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Education (TCLEOSE). A regular member may be active or a retired member in good standing from a TCLEOSE recognized Law Enforcement or Criminal Justice agencies.

Associate Member – Law Enforcement or Criminal Justice Agency of non-sworn employees, who are not certified Peace Officers and Correctional Officers of a recognized Criminal Justice Agency.

Honorary Member – Any Individual nominated by a Regular Member in Good Standing, who is philosophically compatible with the aims and supportive of the purpose of DCPOA – Dallas County may be granted Honorary Membership on the unanimous vote of the Board of Directors.

Corporate Membership – Organizations or Corporations nominated by a member in good standing that philosophically compatible with the aims and supportive of the purpose of DCPOA – Dallas County may be granted Corporate Membership on the unanimous vote of the Board of Directors.

Member Standing: A member in good standing will be those Regular and Associate Members, who have paid all dues and assessments. Actively participated in the meeting, of the membership; Actively supported corporate and public activities of the corporation, and have consistently demonstrated support for the corporate policies, programs and related initiatives.

Membership Dues: will be $9.23 per pay day and payroll deduction from your paycheck. Board Meetings are held every second Tuesday of every month at 7:00PM

General Meetings: will be set by the Executive Board during the course of the current fiscal year.