Class of Membership
Regular Member – must have basic Peace Officers or Correctional Officers’ certification from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Education (TCLEOSE). A regular member may be active or a retired member in good standing from a TCLEOSE recognized Law Enforcement or Criminal Justice agencies.
Associate Member – Law Enforcement or Criminal Justice Agency of non-sworn employees, who are not certified Peace Officers and Correctional Officers of a recognized Criminal Justice Agency.
Honorary Member – Any Individual nominated by a Regular Member in Good Standing, who is philosophically compatible with the aims and supportive of the purpose of DCPOA – Dallas County may be granted Honorary Membership on the unanimous vote of the Board of Directors.
Corporate Membership – Organizations or Corporations nominated by a member in good standing that philosophically compatible with the aims and supportive of the purpose of DCPOA – Dallas County may be granted Corporate Membership on the unanimous vote of the Board of Directors.
Member Standing: A member in good standing will be those Regular and Associate Members, who have paid all dues and assessments. Actively participated in the meeting, of the membership; Actively supported corporate and public activities of the corporation, and have consistently demonstrated support for the corporate policies, programs and related initiatives.
Membership Dues: will be $9.23 per pay day and payroll deduction from your paycheck. Board Meetings are held every second Tuesday of every month at 7:00PM
General Meetings: will be set by the Executive Board during the course of the current fiscal year.